Dinner with the Bishop

I had the distinct honor and pleasure of meeting the Episcopal Church’s Presiding Bishop Michael Curry. He was in town as a distinguished speaker for the Episcopal Diocese of San Diego’s Good News Festival. I was able to spend a few minutes chatting with Bishop Curry during a December 9 dinner in his honor.

Presiding Bishop Curry is viewed as one of the most engaging and dynamic preachers of our time. He reached an audience of 2 billion people when he attended and delivered his sermon at the televised royal wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Most recently, he provided the homily at Queen Elizabeth’s memorial service. 

Bishop Curry believes in the redemptive power of love and that the way of love is critical in facing today’s challenges. He is a prescient leader in the areas of poverty, racism, climate change, immigration policies and marriage equality. 

He was extremely warm and inviting. And I felt at ease, and yet energized, chatting with him. He is the leader we all need right now.

"Love is the way. Love is the only way. Those who follow in my way follow in the way of unconditional, unselfish, sacrificial love. And that kind of love can change the world." — Bishop Michael Curry


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